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Confessions of a Video Vixen - free PDF, DOC, EPUB, RTF

Video Vixen. Welcome,you are looking at books for reading, the Video Vixen, you will able to read or download in Pdf or ePub books and notice some of author may have lock the live reading for some of country. Therefore it need a FREE signup process to obtain the book. Jun 27,  · Confessions of a Video Vixen - Kindle edition by Karrine Steffans. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Confessions of a Video Vixen/5(). Nov 16,  · Part tell-all, part cautionary tale, this emotionally charged memoir from a former video vixen nicknamed Superhead goes beyond the glamour of celebrity to reveal the inner workings of the hip-hop dancer industry—from the physical and emotional abuse thats rampant in the industry, and which marked her own life—to the excessive use of drugs, sex and bling%(K).

confessions of a video vixen pdf free download

Confessions of a video vixen pdf free download

This content was uploaded by our users and we assume good faith they have the permission confessions of a video vixen pdf free download share this book. If you own the copyright to this book and it is wrongfully on our website, we offer a simple DMCA procedure to remove your content from our site. Start by pressing the button below! Thank you for coming here and Thank you for coming here and saving my life.

I used to watch television and dream about the Beverly Hills lifestyle seen in all of my favorite films. I wanted to be known by the rich and famous and be seen lunching with the in crowd. I wanted to live where they lived and do what they do.

I wanted to belong. I did it using the oldest trick in the book. I am not always proud of what I did, and there are things that I would do over if I could. But I made the best out of what I started with—an abusive mother and an absent father. I sat confessions of a video vixen pdf free download to write this book because I think my story can serve as a warning to anyone aspiring to the kind of life I have led, and there are plenty of young people trying to do just confessions of a video vixen pdf free download. My hips have swayed and popped on MTV while I danced on tabletops and poolside in some of your favorite vi videos.

Details such as which one of my music industry suitors I caught in bed with his male lover and which one of my NBA exes often kept track of me by using the OnStar device placed in the Mercedes-Benz he bought me, many times sending his associates to retrieve me from vacations and nights on the town.

Yet, in the middle of this wild ride that I call my life, I was met with challenges which could have ruined me, if it had not been for the power of change. I am writing my story because I have seen too many fourteen-year-old girls dressed up like their favorite pop icons and young women dying to be thin or saving up for the new pair of breast implants that they are sure will make them stars.

Confessions of a video vixen pdf free download women who look confessions of a video vixen pdf free download to me and women like me and ask to be plugged into the same circles I desperately tried to escape, confessions of a video vixen pdf free download. I have so much firsthand information to offer, and need those young women to know that there are other directions to take.

There are always better confessions of a video vixen pdf free download than most of the ones being offered to women today, better choices than the ones I have made. The top reason a woman finds herself in a rap video, sprawled undressed over a luxury car while a rapper is sayvii ing lewd things about her, is a lack of self-esteem. Finding myself and learning to value who I am was one of the biggest hurdles I had to overcome. None of that is who I really am, nor does it tell the whole story.

Along my journey, there are things that I have seen and overheard which could tarnish and even demolish the reputations of some of these artists, confessions of a video vixen pdf free download. I realized then that I had a power which had nothing to do with my body or my looks or my sexuality.

I had been allowed behind those doors, as a modern-day Mata Hari. Our Queen, Latifah, has broken new ground in another sector, but has left her place on the throne of hip hop empty, waiting to be filled. We live in a world where the only goals at the end of the day are profit and top-ten spots on the Billboard charts. Members of the industry are being rewarded for selling the most records, destroying in the process the most beautiful thing about us as a culture—our girls and young women.

It was so easy to be drawn in and dominated by it all. Music videos occupied only a short year and a half of viii my life, but the picture and the purpose are much larger introduction than that. Magazines, music videos, films, and television continuously fill the heads of young girls with visions of perfect bodies, sex, and money. That little girl whose head was filled with those deceptive visions of wealth and fame is me, all grown up and ready to tell what I know.

Chapter One Death and Life O ctober I was lying on the hard, cold floor in the bathroom of the famous Chinese bistro Mr. Chow in Beverly Hills. It is one of confessions of a video vixen pdf free download most upscale and renowned restaurants in the world, yet I was at the lowest point of my life. With my head next to the toilet, confessions of a video vixen pdf free download, I was alone, in debt, with no friends and no hope.

It had been a long, hard trip that led to this fall. It was a wild roller-coaster ride which included some of the hottest names in hip hop and Hollywood. For two years I rode it out. I was in the middle of it all— dining with P. I had money, three cars, a condo in a prestigious neighborhood, a nanny for my son. I was broke, homeless, and probably dying. The last thing I remembered was my body shaking violently as I sat on the toilet with my head in my hands and my friend Eva hovering over me asking me if I was okay.

But now I was on the floor and she was gone. Can I move? I tried to say something to make sure I was alive. I tried to move my leg, and it worked. I stood up gingerly and made my way to the sink. I looked around the small, one-stall bathroom. It was dimly lit and tiny, yet elegant. I held on to the sink, looking at myself in the mirror. My pupils were fully dilated, and I could feel my knees wobbling beneath me.

I splashed cold water on my face, hoping to snap out of the trouble I was so obviously in. I looked at my jewelry and clothes.

I still wore the diamond-heart pendant and the canary yellow diamond earrings that my ex-husband had given me years before. My ring and bracelet were gifts purchased at Tiffany. My long nails were perfectly French-manicured, and my hair was long and black.

My skin had been tanned by the Miami sun and my eyes were gray thanks to my colored contacts. My face was made up to perfection, compliments of MAC and Chanel. My jeans were a two-hundred-dollar pair by fashion icon Marc Jacobs, and the rest of the ensemble followed suit.

The next thing I knew, I was on the floor again. When I came to from another bout of convulsions, my tongue was swollen and bloody. I crawled up from the floor and made my way back to the sink to splash more water on my face. I desperately wanted someone to walk in and help, but no one came.

I began to panic, with thoughts of the late actor River Phoenix racing through my head. Thoughts of him seizing outside of the Viper Room not too far from where I was, on Sunset Boulevard, right before dying. I thought of how awful it would be if I died in the bathroom at Mr.

I thought of the irony of it all—of the paparazzi waiting outside for Nicolas Cage and LL Cool J, who were both in the dining area eating with friends. I thought of how pretty and rich I looked, yet my life had become ugly and poor. But the most prominent thought was of my son, Naiim. No one even knew my real name or where I lived or who my family was or where I came from.

To them, my name was Yizette, a name that I had made up when I was sixteen, during my years as a stripper. I thought of Naiim and wanted to live.

I thought if I screamed his name as loud as I could, God would hear me and allow me another chance at being a mother. God had to know that despite everything I had done until this point, I loved my son and I wanted to do right by him.

I stumbled to the bathroom door, opened it, and began to scream his name into the stairwell that led downstairs into the main dining area of the restaurant.

I screamed his name over and over until my voice was gone. No one heard 3 death and life me, confessions of a video vixen pdf free download. I stumbled back into the restroom to splash more water on my face, hoping the water alone would be enough to reverse what I had done. My heart was racing, and its beat was all I could hear in my head. There were sweat beads on my face.

My mouth was dry and my vision blurred. My body went into convulsions three, four more times, each time landing me on the cold hard tile. No one was there for me. I was going to die alone. I reluctantly met an acquaintance there and quickly began to mingle, in order to make the best out of what promised to be a boring evening. The crowd was very stuffy, confessions of a video vixen pdf free download, and I found myself yawning in between conversations with a concert pianist and a score composer.

Yizette, this is Gary. I landed in Los Angeles. Gary was handsome, dressed all in black, and of medium build and height. He was soft-spoken and reserved.

As we began to talk, we realized that we shared the same sentiments about the function we were attending. There we continued to sip martinis, and at one point I am sure I climbed on top of a table and started dancing.

It was a night to remember. But by the following morning, I had forgotten most of it. The next afternoon, when I had finally recovered from the night before, I checked my messages to find one from Gary. After a brief moment of recollection, I began to connect the voice with the face.

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Confessions of a video vixen pdf free download

confessions of a video vixen pdf free download

Oct 17,  · Part tell-all, part cautionary tale, this emotionally charged memoir from a former video vixen nicknamed 'Superhead' goes beyond the glamour of celebrity to reveal the inner workings of the hip-hop dancer industry—from the physical and emotional abuse that's rampant in the industry, and which marked her own life—to the excessive use of drugs, sex and bling. Jun 27,  · Confessions of a Video Vixen - Kindle edition by Karrine Steffans. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Confessions of a Video Vixen/5(). Video Vixen. Welcome,you are looking at books for reading, the Video Vixen, you will able to read or download in Pdf or ePub books and notice some of author may have lock the live reading for some of country. Therefore it need a FREE signup process to obtain the book.

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