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Learn sql the hard way pdf download

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Learn SQL The Hard Way by Zed A. Shaw - Read online

Learn SQL The Hard Way by Zed A. Shaw. Publisher: LCodeTHW Description: This book will teach you the 80% of SQL you probably need to use it effectively, and will mix in concepts in data modeling at the same time. Learn SQL The Hard Way. When you buy the book from me for $ you get all of the following. PDF of the book updated when the site updates. Videos demonstrating every exercise. p HD video you can download and watch, one for each exercise. Teach Yourself SQL in 21 Days, Second Edition Table of Contents: Introduction Week 1 at a Glance Day 1 Introduction to SQL Day 2 Introduction to the Query: The SELECT Statement Day 3 Expressions, Conditions, and Operators.

learn sql the hard way pdf download

Learn sql the hard way pdf download

Recommend Documents, learn sql the hard way pdf download. Learn C The Hard Way. Learn Japanese the Fast and Fun Way. Learn Russian the Fast and Fun Way easy learning russian language.

The Easiest Way to Learn Preposition. Learn Chinese the fast and fun way. Along with the book there is a small set of videos that demonstrate the exercises and so you can see how these commands work in real life. I find this combination of text with videos helps people retain the information better than with simply text or videos alone.

The best way to work through this book is to do the following: 1. Read an exercise and take notes about the contents. Attempt to do the exercise yourself, solving any problems you possibly can on your own. Watch the video for additional clues and information.

Write down any questions you have or problems you faced before moving on to the next exercise. This is fundamentally the way all of my books work. By learning the core concepts through rote practice and then applying them to creative problems you will learn quicker. This book also takes things slow.

This book is just enough knowledge to get started with those other books. I bet you have some in your pocket right now.

It runs banks, learn sql the hard way pdf download, hospitals, universities, governments, small businesses, large ones, just about every computer and every person on the planet eventually touches something running SQL. SQL is an incredibly successful and solid technology. The problem with SQL is it seems everyone hates its guts. Despite being based on a solid mathematically built theory of operation, it gets enough wrong to be annoying, learn sql the hard way pdf download.

Nested objects and parent child relationships? Because behind this supposed hate is a lack of understanding of what SQL is and how to use it. The NoSQL movement is partially a reaction to antiquated database servers, and also a response to a fear of SQL borne from ignorance of how it works.

By learning SQL, you actually will learn important theoretical concepts that apply to nearly every data storage system past and present. Becoming an educated SQL user will help you make informed decisions about what databases to use, whether to not use SQL, and give you a deeper understanding of many of the systems you work with as a programmer. Ultimately though, I want you to learn SQL because it is very handy.

I can use SQLite to prototype a simple data model an application and I am confident it will work just about everywhere that has SQLite. This ability to use a cross-platform consistent and powerful data storage language is very valuable. To keep the book simple, and since managing a giant database server is tangential to learning SQL, this book will use SQLite3 to teach the fundamentals of the language.

What Is SQL? SQL also stands for Structured Query Language but by now nobody even cares about that since that was just a marketing ploy anyway. What SQL does is give you a language for interacting with data in a database. How SQL works is it understands fields that are in tables, and how to find the data in the tables based on the contents of the fields.

All SQL learn sql the hard way pdf download are then one of four general things you do to tables: Create Putting data into tables or create tables. Read Query data out of a table. Update Change data already in a table.

Delete Remove data from the table. SQL only knows tables, and every operation produces tables. Another place that causes a mismatch is in SQL concepts such as ternary relationships and attributed relationships, which OOP completely does not understand. Learn sql the hard way pdf download SQL I can make 3 tables related to each other using a 4th table, and that 4th table is a cohesive relationship.

To do the same thing in an OOP language I have to make a whole intermediary class that encodes this relationship, which is kind of weird in OOP. Against Indoctrination You may run into someone who thinks you should learn technology X because it is superior. The problem is these people are trying to indoctrinate you, not educate you. I want to educate you so that you have the ability to make your own choices and learn anything you want. I always advocate using the right tool for the job, and SQLite is the right tool for this job.

You may run into errors, and something may not flow well, but I can fix them very quickly if you find them. SQLite3 is a complete database system that has the advantage of requiring almost no setup.

You just download a binary and work it like most other scripting languages. You should make sure that your version of SQLite3 is the same as the one I have here: 3. They cannot help you.

Video Installation Instructions There is one video for each platform included with this book that you learn sql the hard way pdf download watch to learn how to install what you need. There really is not much to install, since you just need SQLite3, a little Python, and a text editor.

The videos are more for people who are just starting out and not as familiar with their computers. To use the Ex0 videos do this: 1. Find the video for your platform and watch that first. Debian Exercise 0 There is a special video that shows you how to install a complete Debian Linux virtual machine with all the tools from scratch. If you are interested in eventually becoming a Database Administrator then I highly recommend you go through this video and the Command Line Crash Course see below.

Doing this will be difficult if you have no Linux system administration experience, but most database systems are running on Linux these days, so learning how to set it up and work with it is very useful. How do you make the tables in the first place? You then put the fields you learn sql the hard way pdf download inside parenthesis after this setup. Doing this tells SQLite3 to treat this column special. What You Should See The easiest way to run this is to simply do: sqlite3 ex1.

It was created in an era when case sensitivity was perceived as a major usability problem, so it has this quirk which can anoy the hell out of programmers from other languages. The worst of these is anything to do with date and time. I want you to now make 3 tables that you can store data into: ex2. How would you record a crazy cat lady with 50 cats? Take notes on what types you can use and other things that seem important, learn sql the hard way pdf download. The first form is the more explicit style, and most likely the one you should use.

Both of these lists column names and values go inside parenthesis and are separated by commas. Then I add the -echo argument to sqlite3 so that it prints out what it is doing.

After that the data is in the database and ready to query. For example, how many ways can you write TEXT data. Portability Notes As I mentioned in the last exercise, database vendors tend to add lock-in to their platforms by extending or altering the data types used. Watch out for this when you use a different database. Is that logically possible? What about the family dog? You can create tables and you can create rows in those tables.

It will return all rows. This gives me all the pets that are alive. For example, if you added yourself then you will have some rows listed at the end. Study this carefully. Portability Notes Some databases have additional operators and boolean logic tests, but just stick to the regular ones that you find in most programming languages for now.

In programming, you deal in graphs and in SQL you deal in tables. Imagine you want to know what pets Zed owns. Now the database can search for only the rows where the id columns all match up, and those are the ones that are connected.

What You Should See I rebuild the database again using all the. You might have inserted too many values into it. Take the time to model the same relationships using classes and objects then map it to this setup.

You can probably glance down but try to guess at what it would be then look. Most of the lines in learn sql the hard way pdf download script are already familiar to you, except for line 5, learn sql the hard way pdf download. Learn sql the hard way pdf download shows you how your work so far should continue to work as you go through the exercises. Now your script can run without you needing to rm ex3.

Remember that this is not how you normally update records and is only for the exercise. That means to delete all the pets you need to do some additional queries and then delete based on those. There are other ways to do this, but this is one you can do right now based on what you know: ex8. This makes it easier to rebuild and run this exercise. To create the code.

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Learn sql the hard way pdf download

learn sql the hard way pdf download

Oct 29,  · Learn-SQL-The-Hard-Way. Need to review some SQL, this book (in progress) seems like a good way to do it. The author uses a sqlite3 database. I'm going to use MySQL to solve the problems instead. Each problem is organized into one folder consisting of the files. Nov 05,  · Download FileAbout the Author Zed Shaw: Learn Python the Hard Way is written by Zed Shaw who is basically a software engineer. He also wrote the Mongrel web server for Ruby web apps. He is eminent for his programming skill. Review of Learn Python the Hard Way pdf: Learn Python the Hard Way /5. The Hard Way Is Easier This simple book is meant to get you started in programming. The title says it’s the hard way to learn to write code; but it’s actually not. It’s only the “hard” way because it’s the way people used to teach things. With the help of this book, you will do the incredibly simple things that all programmers need.

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